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Discernment Counselling


​Relationship Uncertainty

When couples find themselves uncertain about their future together, Discernment Counselling Services offer a structured approach to openly discuss their feelings, fears, and hopes. These sessions provide a safe space for honest conversations, helping couples communicate effectively and make well-considered decisions about their relationship.

Support for Couples Considering Separation or Divorce

Discernment counselling provides a neutral, secure environment to process your feelings and options when contemplating separation or divorce. We prioritize creating a space where partners feel emotionally protected and can build mutual trust, which are key elements for resolving conflicts and developing understanding.


Our approach aims to:


  1. Create a safe space for honest discussions

  2. Nurture trust to improve mutual comprehension

  3. Foster empathy to better grasp each other's viewpoints

Exploring Reasons for Staying or Leaving the Relationship

We utilize a three-step approach to unpack the motivations behind staying in or ending a relationship. Through one-on-one sessions, we shed light on personal and relational patterns, giving each person space to voice their thoughts without judgment.


We're convinced that by examining these factors closely, we can paint a clearer picture of the relationship's current state and potential paths forward. Based on our experience, this approach often reveals underlying issues that may have been overlooked in day-to-day interactions.

Three-Phase Process

Our structured three-step approach includes:


  1. Couple Meeting: Establish ground rules and identify key concerns

  2. Individual Sessions: Deep dive into personal feelings and worries

  3. Couple Reconvenes: Share insights and make informed decisions


This approach guides couples through difficult decisions, providing them with the tools to carefully consider their next move.

Image by Toa Heftiba
Image by TienDat Nguyen

Individual Sessions for Processing Concerns and Gaining Insight

One-on-one discussions provide each partner with a private space to open up about their worries and learn more about themselves. These conversations are essential for personal growth and self-reflection, helping individuals connect with their feelings and inner wisdom.


From our perspective, this process isn't just about recognizing one's contributions to relationship problems; it's also about discovering previously unnoticed patterns and identifying genuine needs and desires.

Facilitating Conscious Decision-Making and Future Planning

Our counselling sessions help couples make thoughtful choices about their future. We offer a structured approach to support partners as they weigh their options and plan their next steps, ensuring they have the information and support they need throughout this challenging period.

Post-Decision Support

After a couple decides to separate or work on their relationship, we offer personalised support:


  1. Detailed Separation Planning: Outline specific steps and offer emotional support

  2. In-depth Relationship Counselling: Provide strategies to repair and strengthen partnerships

  3. Looking Ahead: Assist couples in envisioning and planning their individual paths forward


We provide tools and techniques to help both individuals cope with change and reflect on their experiences, supporting you through this significant life change, regardless of the direction you choose.


Serving Langley City and Langley Township

We offer both online sessions for clients anywhere in Canada and in-person sessions at our Langley location. Our Discernment Counselling Services are available to couples throughout Langley City and Langley Township, including neighborhoods like Willoughby, Walnut Grove, Murrayville, Brookswood, and Fort Langley. We understand the unique challenges couples face in these diverse areas of Langley Twp and adjust our approach accordingly.


Whether you're in Langley City or Langley Township, we're committed to providing the support and guidance you need during difficult times in your relationship. Our services address local concerns and values, ensuring every client receives personal care and attention, whether you're seeking help online or prefer face-to-face meetings in Langley.

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